Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day Two Results

Evening Two

Step Three - Dab on Color
  • I used two sponges. I only needed one. Choose one that has really small holes (explained later).
  • you can see how my "dabbing/mashing" made the counter look like camouflage. This is alright to get the base color.
  • I used little bit of burnt sienna, a blue/grey, and white. I ran a paint brush through the mixture so that it formed streaks in the mix.
  • If I were to do it again I would have brushed or rolled on the base color mixed with lights and darks.

Step Four - Add darker color

  • I mixed regular Black and a little white to get a charcoal color
  • Still looks like camo but getting closer
  • The "shine" you see is really just the white color showing through. Especially in the inside corners. They were very hard to reach with a big sponge.

Step Five - Add white or light color (dab lightly)

  • I added white and tried to do it fast, but found out it was much easier to dab lightly and all over the place.
  • Eventually I figured out how to cut my sponge into a small piece so that I could get into the corners.
  • I also discovered that this small piece worked great for making small random dots on the counter. The smaller the more it looks like granite.

Step Six - Add black

  • Using the small sponge I lightly dabbed on the black color all over. The under layers with the dark/light/grey made the effect pretty cool.
  • I like things dark, my wife likes things light, so lighter I must go.

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